Monday, November 11, 2013


In all my years, the trust and faith that I have placed in my Creator has never been in vain!

I am not always as thankful as I should be, but I don't ever want to be thought ungrateful...
Here's a little story:

Early last week, I discovered that I actually have two accounts/bills with the medical institute I have been seeing about my eye... which means that I am 90 days behind on payments for one of them.
I discovered this after I had already made payments to the other account and thought I was doing pretty good keeping up with the bills from my surgery.

To make a long story a little bit shorter, I need to make a payment of $200 ASAP to that second bill to keep it from being turned over to collections.. and I'm out of money until the first of the month. Since there's nothing I could do, I decided to pray about it and trust that God would make it possible for me to be a good steward of His resources, and to still make the payments I need to.

Fast forward to the weekend, I have completely forgotten about it, because God has never let me down when I needed Him.

Sunday morning after church, someone handed me this.

I am humbled yet again. My God knows my needs, and when I am unable, He shows me that He is able to provide and that He is in control.

Monday, October 14, 2013

Things I don't do.

I don't drink or swear.

But tonight, I want to do both.

A lot.

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Saturday, June 15, 2013


It's always nice to be needed.

Why is it never okay for roles to be reversed?

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Mama Said

From an early age, I remember how hard mom worked for all eight of us kids.

She wasn't perfect. But she did her best with God's help to raise us all alone.

All 8 of us were homeschooled.

All 8 of us are adults now. Two have families of their own. Two are still in college. We all love and respect our mother, we are all individuals and have our differences. We don't always get along, we argue, we fight, between us as siblings, and sometimes with mom. But through it all we are a tight-knit family unit who dearly loves each other.

I sneaked a picture of her the other day and posted it on Google+ and jokingly said that more than a few of her gray/white hairs were thanks to me... But I was being more serious than I usually admit...

See, when I was in college I got involved with a girl. But that relationship caused strain between mom and I, and I said and did a lot of really hurtful and wrong things that severely damaged our relationship. I am ashamed of some of the things that I said to her, and I am ashamed of the way I treated my whole family over that relationship.

Needless to say, that involvement didn't turn out the way I expected, and I realized how wrong I had been, and I started praying, and trying to find a way to repair the damage I had done to my family relationships.

God can heal any wound, and He is faithful and forgiving. I was able to heal my family relationships, and I was able to cultivate a great new relationship with my mom. I even moved back home when things went bad for the family financially and I am still here lending a hand and helping put two kids through college.

Tonight I surprised my mom with a trip to go see Star Trek: The Next Generation, The Best of Both Worlds in theatres. ( ) because she has always loved TNG and I thought this would be a nice random thing for her to just relax and enjoy.

I praise God every day for our restored relationship, and I am thankful that my relationship with my mother didn't continue following the tenor of this song.

Friday, April 12, 2013


I won't post this anywhere else, because I'd get too much flak for what I have to say, and I don't feel like dealing with the various responses I'd get.

At least here I know only one or two people will ever see it or care.


I stumbled across this post on Google+ today, and it really made me stop and think.

This guy, as far as I know isn't even a Christian, but he is doing a far better job at being a father than my dad ever was.

My reactions are as follows:

1. I wish my father had cared enough to put forth this kind of effort with his kids.

2. How much more could this guy do, how much better of a father could he be with Christ as his guide?

3. Will I be able to be this kind of father?

4. Will I ever get the chance to find out?

Will I be better?
Is it better that I never find out?

Tuesday, April 09, 2013


Every now and then, I have a rare moment when I feel happy and content with who I am...

But those moments never last and are quickly replaced by feelings of dislike and distrust for myself.

Thursday, March 21, 2013


"It's a cold and blustery day, I need a nap."

"It snowed a little earlier, I need one too."

You make the Hot Cocoa
I'll start the fire.

You grab the blankets
I'll build it higher.

You take the couch
I'll take the chair.

We'll sit and talk
and drift off together.

Saturday, March 09, 2013


I am very ready for consistently warm weather.. I need to be riding again.

Being alone is more bearable when I'm riding.

Saturday, March 02, 2013


Beware of barriers willingly built, for their strength is unparalleled.

Monday, January 21, 2013

Beyond All Measure

I have been blessed.

Wednesday, January 02, 2013


In a recent conversation, I was pointing out facets of my personality and character to make a point. Here is how it came out:

I am a starter, not a maintainer.
I am a mentor, not a teacher.
I am an example, not a leader.
I am a show-er, not a talker.
I am a support, not a facade.
I am a foundation, not an awning.

These things are part of who I am. I cannot change them, but I can and often do work around them to fulfill the needs around me. But to do so for long periods of time becomes taxing and sometimes tedious.

I just pray for Grace to continue.


The Expanses of my Mind.