Monday, September 10, 2012


God can bring you joy in the midst of a storm.

It may not be that God changes the storm, or that He makes it easier, or even that He makes it stronger.

Sometimes it could be something totally unrelated to the storm you are battling, but it brings a smile to your face, and joy to your heart, and you can't help but cry, not because of how much the storms hurt, or because of how hard life is... Just because in the midst of the screaming winds and violent waves, God reaches out his hand and shows you that He loves you.

I am going through a lot of really tough things in my life right now, along with my whole family. But today, God wanted to make it clear to me that He loves me.
There are a lot of things that I want, but cannot afford... So I just look at them and hope for a day that they will fit in my budget. But today, God changed that.

He gave me twelve (12) items that without His help I would not have been able to afford for at least a year or two... I could not believe it..

I'll post pictures soon.

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The Expanses of my Mind.