Thursday, September 01, 2011


Yeah that's right. I'm in that mood again. Scary I know. Work is being kinda stressful this week. Which means I've been trying to relax and have been staying up too late... so I'm operating on too little sleep. It caught up with me today, I was sick most of the day and ended up coming home from work and going straight into a 2 hour nap which was great. Now I'm in a odd mood. Feeling that odd need to go, do, see... I want to go see something new, I want to do something new. I want to spend time with people I care about. I want to shift my focus again. Have a time machine handy? Do you ever wish you could go back say... 10 years and do some things over? I do. I would be happy if I could just send myself a message 10 years ago. I know exactly what I would say. But what I don't know is how it would change my life today. Because my life would be so drastically different. But I must wonder, if I were able to make those changes... who is to say that I wouldn't have had similar problems to the ones I have had? Everything seems so simple, but it really isn't. Because I am who I am because of the mistakes I've made. I am better for them. I am thankful for the paths I have trod. I don't want to work for a mega company for the rest of my life. I want to have a job where my "job" is something that I do... not something that hundreds of other people do... I want to stay in this field... but not in this job. If that makes sense. This post is confusing. I might change the title of the post since I have other thoughts I might prefer to label as musings.

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The Expanses of my Mind.