Tuesday, May 29, 2012

"I changed my mind"

Apparently, with those words, everything changed. Changed a lot.

I want to go back to that moment, and I want to do it differently.

I want to change my mind, and say to you what I will probably now never have the chance to say.

But instead, I'll just join the ranks of the "love lost"

Some might say that I should not just let this pass, that I should go, chase, say, do, etc...

But that won't work, I know you too well. I've tried pursuing you, but you just keep pushing me away.

So I'll drown my pain, in pain.

Don't be surprised if you can't find me, or don't hear from me, I'm leaving you alone.

I'll always love you like no one else could. Is that egotistical? Perhaps. But true.

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The Expanses of my Mind.