Thursday, August 25, 2011


I come to you now with all I am honestly displayed before me.
With earnest love and unhesitating acceptance, I love who you are.
I present to you what you already hold:
My heart that is full of love and desire for your happiness.
My mind that is brimming with ideas and thoughts to share with you.
My soul that is growing every day in my love for Christ and desire to see His will in my life.
My self. Not one part of me do I withhold. There is no reason for me to.
You are good for me.

This is not anything different or anything new. Just a time for me to continue learning to express myself.
God does all things for a reason.
Don't take this wrong. Just take it for what it is; an expression of who I am.
You already know me. I don't have to tell you any of this. But it is satisfying to have it put into words.
We once had a conversation about intimacy. I wish I had kept that conversation, because I would like to share my views and opinions on intimacy and I expressed them so well (I thought) in that conversation.

There is nothing wrong with intimacy. But like I said before. Intimacy is so much more than physical or emotional. Intimacy is tied in with your mind and your soul. Most people don't understand that. Most people think that intimacy is for those in a romantic relationship, or for family. Why should we limit ourselves so? Intimacy, when shared between two friends, who both have God centered hearts, and who are willing to be honest and transparent, is a wonderful thing. God designed us to be intimate with other human beings, but sin has corrupted that intimacy from a thing of absolute beauty to something that is shied away from.
I wish I remembered all I had to say before... because it was well said.
Intimacy can be platonic and wholesome.

People assume we are married or dating. I am asked so often if we are dating or if we are just not "official" that I always have an answer ready. Our friendship is so simple. and yet the world in general assumes that we cannot merely be friends.

To that I say only that I am sorry for their simple-mindedness. Even many people that we know. They cannot grasp such things and it makes me sad for them that they have never had a friendship as pure as ours.

Sigh. There is more to this than I have said here. But the words escape me today, I lack the creativity.

Thoughts? Opinions?

Be prepared for me to respond in honesty and transparency if you choose to leave a narrow minded or idiotic comment.

Pity. That's the word I was looking for earlier. I pity those who cannot grasp this.

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The Expanses of my Mind.