Saturday, August 06, 2011

I'm not cool but that's okay

Work has been crazy this last couple of weeks... between being live on the phones, VBS, and riding with Em. My days have been very very full.

I'm finally getting into the swing of things... I am adjusting to my new schedule. (0600-1500) It's tough.. but I do apparently need to go to bed at about nine or ten every night.
I'm getting used to the process at work. I'm able to handle most of my calls. There are only a few things that are just beyond what I have been trained in.

So many people in this life are petty. I don't like that.

I promised a post about a status I put on Facebook, but I haven't had time to get it put together. This morning is the first time I have been on the phones and haven't been totally slammed with calls...
Aaaand we're back!
The above was composed Friday at work.

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The Expanses of my Mind.