Saturday, July 09, 2011


Consistency is now my goal... I don't know if I can. But I am going to try.

The situation has reached the point where I am forced to accept it.So now I am going to do my best NOT to follow my immediate instinct which is to remove myself from everything and everyone as far as possible... No drastic or dramatic changes. Just. Be. Me.


On brighter notes, I had an amazing day today with Em and her coworker Chase... We rode to MWC to Sams and then out through Harrah, up to 66 and back into the city with a stop at Pop's Soda to cool off. 5 1/2 hours. 110 degree heat. It was a blast!

Now I'm home and trying to cool down and re hydrate. All in all? A good day!

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The Expanses of my Mind.